Be Involved

St. Brice’s, North Bay, is a parish within the Anglican Church of Canada, in the Diocese (region) of Algoma. The rector and elected wardens are chiefly responsible for the parish, supported by the elected Advisory Board. Ministries and Committees are guided and supported by the Advisory Board. We encourage everyone to be involved in our common life, and to make a difference in the world. Some of the ministries with which we are involved are listed below:


Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that engages people in conversations about faith, life and Jesus. Every Alpha session includes food, a short talk (on video or live), and discussion.   Alpha is for everyone – welcoming people from all backgrounds, religions and viewpoints, no matter where they are on their journey.


Members of the Altar Guild serve the Lord in His Church through various responsibilities associated with the preparation and adornment of the Sanctuary for weekly worship services.  It is a ministry in which members care for the altar, the sacred vessels used in Holy Eucharist and all altar linens. The overall goal of the Altar Guild is to see that the worship space is kept beautiful and in good order both to glorify God and provide a setting that enables the congregation to worship in a meaningful way.


The Anglican Church Women is part of a larger group of women from parishes throughout the Diocese of Algoma who raise funds for missions.  A Spring Tea and Fall Lunch are annual events.   Each parish contributes a thank offering at the ACW Annual in May.  These monies are used to support various missions. 


Studying God’s Word is a privilege and most enjoyable in a warm fellowship setting that permits good dialogue and questions. St. Brice’s has a Bible study group on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m.  Currently, it is held on Zoom.  All are welcome to participate.


Camp Temiskaming is located on the shores of Fairy Lake, about 15 km. from New Liskeard.  The Camp offers an affordable, high-energy Christian summer camp experience that includes canoeing, nature hikes, sports and archery, making it a wonderful destination for kids and youth.  Week-long camps are held for junior boys, junior girls, and senior girls providing them the opportunity to learn about God’s love.  Women’s retreats are also offered during the summer.  Donations help with the costs of running the camp and insurance, as well as needed renovations.


The purpose of the Canadian Anglican Cursillo Movement is to provide a method which makes it possible for Christians to live and share what is fundamental to being a Christian.  Cursillo is an opportunity to get away for a spiritual retreat and participate in a ‘short course of Christianity’.  The event brings people together for fellowship and growth, helping Christians to discover and achieve their individual callings to change their environments for Christ.


St. Brice’s runs a Food Bank every Thursday from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.   Volunteers faithfully serve by distributing baskets of food to families in need.   With current inflation rates adding pressure to families’ grocery budget, the Food Bank is an essential ministry. Many donations of food and funds support this well-known and worthwhile program.




The monthly Games Night offered in the church hall.   With the exception of July and August, people gather on the third Saturday of each month at 7:00 p.m. (following Messy Church) for an enjoyable evening of table and board games.  Games of every description are provided and people are also encouraged to bring along their own favourite.   It is a great opportunity of fellowship and fun.  All are invited to attend.



Layreaders are men and women volunteers who offer assistance to the minister in the worship services.  This may include being a Eucharist Assistant and reading parts of the liturgy.  Layreaders may be called upon to lead a morning prayer service or provide a sermon.  Hospital visits and other services or responsibilities may be provided, as per the discretion of the minister.  Each year, the layreaders attend the Diocesan Layreader Conference.  They fulfill an important leadership role in support of worship at St. Brice’s. 



The Men’s Breakfasts are normally held on the first Saturday of each month, generally at the Bay Truck Stop on Highway 11.  Several men regularly gather for a relaxing and informal time of fellowship, conversation and a hearty breakfast. Occasionally, the breakfasts are held at St. Brice’s where the men prepare the meal and host the event.  A guest speaker is invited to address the group, followed by a question/discussion period. These events are well attended by men from St. Brice’s as well as other parishes.  Dates are noted in the church calendar.



Messy Church is an inter-generational program for individuals and families, children and adults, on the third Saturday of every month, beginning at 5:00 p.m. typically with a meal.  It is intended particularly for people who are exploring belonging to a Christian community, who are unable or unwilling to commit to Sunday morning worship.  All who attend Messy Church enjoy and are inspired by the worship time, skits, songs, games, crosswords and Bible readings.  Games Night follows Messy Church at 7:00 p.m. 



The Quilters is a small group of talented women who meet in the church hall every Monday to quilt, fellowship, and enjoy lunch together.  The Card Makers make attractive, handcrafted cards using fabrics and other materials. These cards and baby quilts are sold to raise funds to assist St. Brice’s activities and local charities.  The group gathers at 10:00 a.m. and shares lunch at noon.  Anyone wishing to quilt is most welcome to join. 



The Teen Lunch program at St. Brice’s is now in its 11th year of operation.   Every Friday at noon, an average of 120 high school students arrive at St. Brice’s to have lunch.  A volunteer team of 12-15 St. Brice’s parishioners and people from other churches arrive early to start cooking.  The teenagers and team members count it a privilege to share.  Many relationships have developed and the teens appreciate the love being extended to them.  The program is well known in the community and has received donations to assist with the costs. 



The Tuesday Meals is a volunteer ministry that helps many people.  Nutritious meals are prepared in the church hall and packaged for delivery once a month to people who are isolated, shut-in, recovering from hospital stays, or otherwise in need of support.   As a fundraiser, the income is used to pay for supplies or is contributed towards the general fund.